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Customer Reviews for Lighted Crochet Hooks

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Average Rating:
4.5 out of 5 (Reviewed by 24 customers.)
November 11, 2022
Paula B
Got my hooks yesterday. Started crocheting with them after charging it up. Really love them already. So easy to change hook size. Charge easy and fast. Love that you can change light brightness. They are so easy on the hand and wrist.
November 12, 2020
Suze L
Love these! Brilliant to add lights to the crochet hooks. Great for people like me with vision issues. I can easily see the yarn. Highly recommend.

BTW, my insecure pup ate the tip of one of my hooks. Was going to toss it, but it works great as a bedside light to see laptop keys when I need to change a sleep program. LOL!
May 21, 2020
Roberta F
Beautiful hooks. They work great. Fit nicely in your hand. Easy to work with
April 24, 2020
Kathryn C
I think that they will help me a lot. I have problems with my vision in darker places. I need some in size C,D E can I get them also besides the one you mentioned.
April 15, 2020
Mj B
I loves these lighted crochet hooks as is "Life Saver". Now I can crochet during the evening which is a JOY for me. Thank you Annie's for add to the listing of crochet's order. I have not receive the package of yarns and hopefully it comes today as I'm edging to crochet hats.. PLEASE be safe and healthy. Thank you
March 27, 2020
Sarah P
I'm very happy with the crochet light needles!
January 17, 2019
Elizabeth W
Do y'all carry the full set of the light up crochet hooks
Annie's Customer Service

Elizabeth - We only offer the individual hooks.
October 17, 2018
Norma Jean C P
I bought the whole set after buying one several years ago. I love them and use them all the time in the light and dark. I am sure that I have had these for 5 to 6 years and still using most of the original batteries. I have from size C to K and none have ever broken using any kind of yarn. Just a great product!
Are there anymore available sizes besides the ones that I have?
May 19, 2017
Kim E
This is my second hook. I love them! They are warm to the touch. The yarn stays on the hook. My work is better.
January 21, 2017
Cynthia P
Worth every penny! The best crochet hook for using when I am watching my grandson while he is sleeping and the lights are dim. I haven't tried it on dark yarn yet.